Episode Video

Show Notes

Welcome to yet another episode of PDM which aims to challenge the status quo of what it means to be successful and also motivates you to unlock the power of your dreams. The hosts Lucas and Patryk are two young guys who are brimming with positive and creative energy and intend to radiate it into the lives of their listeners via their words. This episode of the podcast focuses on defining success for your future. ‘Success is becoming one’s true best self by achieving one’s potential’ is the quote Lucas begins to dissect in this episode. According to him, success means differently to different people, depending upon what their dreams and aspirations are. Paddy, on the other hand, defines success in terms of the liberty it grants him to be able to do whatever he wants to do. Whether it is about hosting the podcast or writing a blog, he is the master of his universe and nothing shackles him down. Through the podcast, the hosts intend to motivate you to identify one component in your life which means the world to you.

Where do you want to be in the next 5-10 years? Do you see yourself in a cubicle or traveling the world? These are some of the basic questions the podcast raises. What matters to us is not what matters to others. Sometimes we do things that matter to others to meet the expectations of people who have high hopes from us. Being avid travelers, no one is more bummed out with the current pandemic. The podcast also sheds light on the true meaning of travel. If you feel that traveling is just about exploring new places or capturing fascinating pictures, let your hosts introduce you to an entirely new concept of traveling which is truly a big revelation. The definition of success changes at different life stages. For instance, Paddy chuckles when he remembers how he felt successful when he owned a toy car when he was 6. This meaning of success changed when he was 18 when he wanted to visit his first country. The point is that everyone has a unique definition of success and people must respect each other’s choices rather than judging them. Keep listening to know Paddy’s idea of ‘atomic stages of success’ which might seem trivial now but add up in the long run. Tune in to get in touch with these thoughtful young lads, their shared love for traveling, Lucas’ mini-goal for the day, and Paddy’s obsession with his morning coffee!

You'll Learn

  • Success is a comprehensive and dynamic concept.

  • How your goals and parameters for success keep on changing with time.

  • How to figure out your goals for the next 5-10 years.

  • How it is okay to shift your goals as you grow up.

  • ‘Don’t fake it till you make it’ should be the life agenda for a successful person.

  • How making mistakes is not a taboo and how you should always keep owning up and learning from your mistakes.

  • Making new memories is important and helps you to live off the energy.

Quotes From This Episode

If the quotes below resinate with you, we ask that you please share them with your network as your friends might find them just as inspiring! Thank you for being A-M-A-ZING and taking on the challenge to pursue your dreams with us, by your side.

Resources [Homework This Week] 😉

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